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Beam Meetup in Beijing last week
#Beam_News 🗞
Beam London Meetup - The year ahead | March 9th 2019
Launch of Beam’s Korean Blog
Alexander Zaidelson will speak about Privacy on Blockchain, in Hong Kong, March 13-14, 2019 during Token 2049
Wallet API and Node Explorer API 2.0.4429 — Release notes
Alexander Zaidelson was panelist during the Fintech Week Tel Aviv
#R&D_Updates 👨💻
[release] Wallet API and Node Explorer API 2.0.4429 (#497, #499, , #500, #489, #488, #484)
[release] Android Testnet Beta 2 (#17, #28, #29, #69 , #117)
[feature] Payment proof (#415) in progress
[feature] Atomic swap POC (#447) in progress
[enhancement] Update syncing mechanism, to be faster and more effective (#454) in progress
[documentation] Update API protocol and integration guide (#496)
[documentation] Update CLI subcommands #487
[integration] Integration with Trezor hardware wallet in progress
[documentation]: Exchange Integration Guide
[project] Started iOS wallet development (Github)
30 commits by 6 unique contributors
#Upcoming_Events 🥂
Fintech Week Tel Aviv 2019, March 4-6th 2019
Meetup Sevilla, Spain, March 6th 2019
Meetup London, UK, March 9th 2019
CIBTC Motril, Madrid, March 9th 2019
Beam MW Blockchain Products Webinar + Q&A, March 11th 2019
Blockchain in Finance featuring Beam, Stamford University, CT, March 12th 2019
Token 2049, March 13-14th 2019
Meetup Krakow, Poland, March 14th 2019
Meetup PortHarcourt, Nigeria - March 16th 2019
BlockchainUA Kiev, March 22nd 2019
Beam Korea Meetup, March 23rd 2019
The 2nd ZKProof Workshop 2019, Berkeley (CA) - April 10-12th 2019
#Mining_updates ⛏
Beam reached 85,000 Block Height last week
Average Mining Difficulty: 200K
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#Reading/Videos/Podcasts_Materials ⏯
3 Technical Proposals for Increasing Bitcoin’s Privacy | by Kathy Mitchell
Titan V Cryptocurrency performance on PROGPOW GRIN ETH BEAM | a video by Bits Be Trippin’
How does Mimblewimble work? | by Cryptonomist
빔을 소개합니다! | in Korean by Beam Korea
Beam亚洲首场见面会:关于MimbleWimble和隐私币的那些事儿 | in Chinese by Hecaijing
Was ist eigentlich Mimblewimble ? Kurz, knapp & auf DEUTSCH | a video in German by Finanzielle Freiheit dank Kryptowahrungen
Mimblewimble ein protokoll fur die Zukunft | in German by FFD Academy
#Community_Updates 👫
Our Ambassador Program is waiting for you to represent Beam in your region
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