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Beam News
A huge week for as we (just now while writing) hit the 1 million block milestone! We have come a long way since the first iterations of Testnet back in 2018, and we couldn’t have done it without the valuable feedback and support from the community. So a big thank you to you all from the team. We look forward to many more blocks, and the continued push for proof of work, privacy, and confidential DeFi!

A big congrats to Spark Pool for mining the millionth Beam block! With the first million blocks behind us, it’s time to look forward to what we can expect with the coming blocks!
Beam to Integrate with Chainlink
With much of the more recent development efforts being towards BeamX for confidential DeFi, and an important part of this being the ability to bring off-chain data on-chain with oracles, it is with pleasure that Beam announced a collaboration with Chainlink, to bring oracles to confidential DeFi.

Beam will leverage the Chainlink Price Feed framework to launch decentralized price oracles. In particular, these Price Feeds will support the ability for a confidential stablecoin protocol running on Beam, along with bridges, and many other applications integral to DeFi and interoperability. As mentioned in the latest Beam roadmap, oracles play an important role in decentralised finance, and we are looking forward to working with Chainlink on both this and privacy related areas.
Exciting times as we add more arsenal to the Beam and look to collaborate more with new and longstanding crypto protocols and platforms!
Beam Accepted Here
This week in Beam Accepted Here, we bring to you: Private Internet Access
PIA is one of the leading VPN providers, and we are happy they support Beam as a means of payment. As many of you are aware, VPN’s can help to protect your online privacy and identity, along with unblocking censorship filters that may be imposed.
( Given it is Cyber Monday(?), they also have a sale on :D )
Research and Development
The last week saw us bringing more attention to the Atomic Swaps, in the form of a collective push with Litecoin and Dash. LTC has been live on Beam Atomic Swaps since they launched, and it is a great development to bring in new users that can reap the benefits that come with noncustodial exchange.
More exciting news on the Atomic Swap front:
BEAM <-> DOGE : Eager Electron 5.2
BEAM <-> DASH : Eager Electron 5.2
BEAM <-> ETH : Eager Electron 5.3
BEAM <-> DAI : Eager Electron 5.3
BEAM <-> USDT (ERC20) : Eager Electron 5.3
If you haven’t yet experienced the thrill of a fully decentralised swap, download the desktop wallet, get connected, and get swapping!
Great coverage on the Beam Chainlink integration on CoinmarketCap, U Today, AMB Crypto, Daily Crypto Feed, The Daily Chain, 0xFintech, Coin Genius, Kogo Crypto, Passion Crypto, Blockchain Today, and Crypto Knowmics
Sign up, stay tuned, and see you all next week!
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