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Beam News
Big week for Beam, and a big week for BOC! Beam Outreach Club had its launch just yesterday, and we hit the ground running! A massive turnout to the kick off call and some eager early signups from the get go. Not only that, but we are starting to see the first activities coming through!
Get involved in Beam Outreach Club:
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Get your hands on some $RAYS
A big shout out to all those bringing the first iteration to life! And expect to see a lot more from the platform, $RAYS Confidential Asset, and what is achieved via the latest community initiative. Onwards!
Research and Development
One of the latest revelings is that of the progress on the Beam Web Wallet. You can check out the first live transaction, with the Web Wallet utilising the same technology as that of the mobile wallet node, for a truly decentralised experience!
Beam Roadmap update is around the corner, and will be presented with a request for comment soon(TM), before being finalised, published, and of course pushed forwards with!
Beam on ATMs you say? 👀️🔥
Sign up, stay tuned, and see you all next week!
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